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Program for åbne masterklasses til Gradus International Piano Festival 2018

Nu er programmet for de åbne masterclasses i forbindelse med Gradus International Piano Festival 2018 tilgængeligt.

Masterclasses, Paolo Giacometti

Tirsdag 19. juni / Tuesday 19th June

Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, lokale 118 (i kælderplanet)

11: 00

Tian Tian

Schubert: Impromptu opus 90 nr. 2 in E-flat major

[if !supportLists]11.30

Eryk Koszela

Bach: Prelude and fugue, C sharp major book 1

Chopin: Etüde opus 25 nr. 1 a minor

[if !supportLists]12.10

[endif]Kristoffer Refer

Schubert opus 90 nr. 3 in G flat major

Debussy ”le cathedral engloutie”



[if !supportLists]14.10

[endif]Aleksandr Kliuchko

Ravel: Scarbo (Bach/Busoni Chaconne)



15.15 departure to Bogense Church Concert.

Onsdag 20. juni / Wednesday 20th


Josef Haller

Ravel: "Le Tombeau de Couperin”

[if !supportLists]10.50

[endif]Kristian Riisager

Chopin: Ballade nr. 4

[if !supportLists]11.40



Gabriele Sutkuté

Ravel: ”La Valse”

[if !supportLists]13.20

[endif]Ilinca Cutoi -Toft

Pieczonka: Tarantella

[if !supportLists]13.45

[endif]Rune Leicht Lund

Chopin: Concerto nr. 1, 3 mvt.

[if !supportLists]14.35

Free time until 15.10 ?_________

Masterclasses, Mikhail Voskresensky

Aarhus Musikskole, Vester alle 3, Officerssalen 3 floor.

Torsdag d. 21. juni / Thursday 21th June

10.00 Aleksandr Kliucko

Mozart Sonata C major kv. 330

11.00 Kristian Riisager

Beethoven: Sonata, "Appassionata," opus 57



13. 00 Gabriele Sutkuté

Rachmaninov Etude Tableaux opus 39 nr.6

Prokofiev 2. Sonata

14.00 Rune Leicht Lund

Liszt: Transcendental Study nr. 10 f-minor

Chopin: Mazurka opus 17 nr. 4

15. 00

Free time ? _____________________

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